What Do I Do? Every Wedding Etiquette Question Answered

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Weddings should be jubilant celebrations of love, but they can feel like minefields of complicated social rules and awkward situations. Step aside, person of honor! This book will become your most trusted confidant as you navigate your wedding. What Do I Do? goes beyond outdated, ponderous etiquette rules to give you the modern-day essentials in a fun Q&A format.  Each chapter begins with advice on current wedding etiquette rules and ends with your more frequently asked questions and answers to make this book an easy-to-follow guide for any wedding celebrant to be. With insightful, fresh advice and deep cuts from etiquette expert Mariah Grumet of Old Soul Etiquette, you’ll enjoy slicing into wedding planning.

Grumet’s guidance will show you how to have your cake and eat it too (without getting any of it on your face). You’ll learn how to manage your wedding with grace and sparkle, all the way from the ring pop to popping the champagne at the reception.

The Essential Wedding Planner

Coming soon

Although weddings are joyful celebrations of love, they can also mean endless streams of to-do lists, shopping trips, and decision-making. The Essential Wedding Planner has got you covered with lists, schedules, and reminders for every step along the way—from your budget to post-wedding events and thank-you notes. 

Worried about remembering that dress-fitting appointment? Or filled with dread at the thought of accidentally seating Uncle Charlie and Great Aunt Barb next to each other? Designed by wedding etiquette maven and What Do I Do? author Mariah Grumet Humbert, The Essential Wedding Planner allows you to quiet the noise and turn down the stress. Filled with intentional reminders to inspire joy and love, this planner keeps you focused on the reason for the celebration.